
photo 4-Brut
Rendez-vous in the sky
4-Brut 6 meter version

Brut in a literal translation means rough or crude in this case the roughness of simplicity. When I finished drawing this kite in my ideas book I was staggered by it's minimal look. I got hold of a Tyvek off cut and cut it in one long rectangular band. Now were have I put my 4mm carbon. What a mess I must tidy up from time to time. Right I scotch tape it on the leading edge. Some off cuts of glass fibre for sail battens. I used hardly any bridle line. 3/4 Hour later I dashed off to the field attached the flying lines..... suspense. Anxiously I took hold of the handles it flew, on 4 lines incredible, simple, too simple, BRUT.
The standard of handling is acceptable. Side swipes are impossible, reverse is slow. It prefers to fly in force 4 to 5 winds. On the whole the flight is good in the middle part of the wind window. Occasionally it will collapse at the edge of the wind. Quick and simple to make in Tyvek and scotch tape.

Look at the 3 meter version

Ciel Libre      Kites / Cerf-volants